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Behavior Based Safety Training

Behavior Based Safety Training

The Behavior-Based Safety Training/STOP Program course is designed to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills to implement an effective behavior-based safety program in the workplace. The course covers all aspects of behavior-based safety, including the psychology behind behavior change, the principles of STOP (Safety Training Observation Program), and how to implement a successful program.

Course Content:

1. Introduction to Behavior-Based Safety:

  • Overview of behavior-based safety and the benefits of a proactive approach to safety.

  • The psychology behind behavior change.

2. Principles of STOP (Safety Training Observation Program):

  • Overview of the STOP program and how it can improve safety in the workplace.

  • Conducting effective observations and feedback.

3. Implementing a Behavior-Based Safety Program:

  • Developing a behavior-based safety program that fits the unique needs of your workplace.

  • Gaining management and employee buy-in.

  • Communicating the program to employees.

4. Sustaining a Behavior-Based Safety Program:

  • Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the program.

  • Continuous improvement and evolution of the program.

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